Lär dig mer om de senaste strategierna, metoderna och verktygen som ekonomi- och inköpsavdelningar kan använda för att förbättra prestandan och effektiviteten i sina funktioner - och i slutändan - i hela företaget.
Produktwebinar: Complete Control - Nyheter, oppdateringer og en sniktitt på hva som kommer
Velkommen til vårt webinar om de siste nyhetene og oppdateringene i Complete Control.
Webinar #8: IFRS 16 Reporting: Converting from Excel to Lease Accounting Software
We are excited to welcome you to this webinar "IFRS 16 reporting: Converting from Excel to lease accounting software". (...)
Type: On demand Webinar
Language English
Webinar #3: Åpenhetsloven: Forbered deg til årlig redegjørelse
Forbered deg til årlig redegjørelse. Her er våre tips og triks (...)
Webinar #7: Best practices for accounting & IFRS in Visma
Our agenda for the webinar takes a deep dive into the accounting and IFRS practices followed by Visma, including their approach towards:.
Werbinar #6 IFRS 16 reporting, year end closing in a circular economy company
In this webinar, you learn how Norsk Gjenvinning - a strategic player in the circular economy - ensures IFRS 16 compliance and prepares for the year end closing. Financial Group Controller (...).
Contract Management #2: Manpowergroup shares best practices
In this webinar we are lucky to get Åse Marie Haugstulen, Director Bid Team in ManpowerGroup onboard to share how ManpowerGroup works with contract management, which routines they (...).