Optimizing contract management and reducing dependence on key personnel

by House of Control | 9/14/20 10:40 PM

The Need for effective contract management and staff independence

Holidays are right around the corner. Every business, whether small-scale or large-scale, grapples with the vulnerability arising from the potential absence of key personnel. But did you know that streamlining contract management processes can significantly reduce this dependence? 

Understanding the Risk

Larger and smaller enterprises alike can face challenges when key team members exit. This dependency is often seen in the realm of employee contacts, working patterns, accomplishments, client relations, and especially the contracts they've inked for the organization. Small businesses, particularly those yet to adopt robust business systems, can be at a higher risk.


If you're ready to take control of your contract management and reduce your dependence on key personnel, don't hesitate to reach out to House of Control today.


5 Contract Management Practices to Minimize Dependence on Key Personnel


1. Centralized Contact Management

Contacts made by sales, customer service, or procurement teams represent valuable company assets. A Contract Management System (CMS) or a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system effectively captures these. Ensure that all employees use this system or, at the very least, record contacts in a consolidated database.

2. Methodology Documentation

Continuous improvement is a hallmark of growing businesses. The evolving methods and strategies that employees employ should be documented. By recording these work methods, you're safeguarding against potential knowledge loss when a team member departs.

3. Unified Customer Deliverable Repository

Relying on individual email sent items for client deliverables? This can be a risky proposition. Avoid legal hurdles and ensure that all work documents and deliverables are stored in a centralized, easily accessible location. This ensures contract management transparency and efficiency.

4. Collective Inbox for Premium Clients

Continuing from the above, a unified inbox for critical clients simplifies communication. Centralized correspondence ensures that every piece of communication is accessible, irrespective of employee changes, ensuring smoother contract management.

5. Comprehensive Contract Repository

Efficient contract management is crucial, especially for companies that engage multiple subcontractors. As the number of contracts grows, centralizing these documents becomes paramount. This negates risks associated with unnoticed auto-renewals or superfluous deliverables.


Looking Forward

Want a deeper insight into how robust contract management can bolster your business resilience? Let's discuss and make your organization less reliant on individual team members.

If you're ready to take control of your contract management and reduce your dependence on key personnel, don't hesitate to reach out to House of Control today.



Additional Reading