Corporate responsibility
House of Control Group develops and sells software, which is primarily used in customers’ finance departments. The operation entails both in absolute and relative terms a limited impact on the climate and the environment. The impact on social conditions is similarly limited, including insignificant use of subcontractors in countries with defined challenges in this area.
So far, we have defined five specific measures:
- Reduce travel. Our sales people and our customer success managers have previously made many physical visits to our customers. We now have new policies in place to limit travel to a minimum.
- Climate quotas. To compensate for the travel business, we have bought climate quotas. The project we support is a photovoltaic plant in India that produces electric power for 450 thousand people and provides work for 10 people.
- Sustainable canteen. In connection with the work of being certified as an Eco-Lighthouse (see below), we have worked with various measures for sustainability in the operation of our canteen at the head office in Høvik.
- Recycling of IT equipment. All employees of House of Control are equipped with a PC and mobile phone, and our offices use equipment for video conferencing. From 2022, we will start work to improve recycling when the equipment reaches the end of its life.
- Equal opportunities. We will place great emphasis on recruitment, career development and remuneration regardless of gender or other personal characteristics that are irrelevant to the ability to do a good job.

Concrete steps - Eco-lighthouse
In 2021, the company implemented the work of getting the head office at Høvik certified to the Norwegian standard Miljøfyrtårn (Eco-Lighthouse. org), which sets requirements for the working environment, waste management, energy use, purchasing and transport.
The work with the Eco-Lighthouse certification has so far been linked to improving internal routines for electricity consumption, renewable energy, water consumption and our employees’ working conditions. Experience from the head office will later be used for other offices and business units in the House of Control.
In 2021, the House of Control Group prepared a policy with defined requirements for our suppliers. This policy contains various requirements that our suppliers must document. The requirements are based on the content of the UN’s goals for sustainability.
Miljørapport 2024
Responsible Suppliers
Choosing suppliers that prioritise sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is crucial for the development of cloud-based services. Working with suppliers that use renewable energy, have energy-efficient data centres and implement environmentally friendly solutions can reduce the overall environmental impact.
This not only supports climate goals, but also gives companies a competitive advantage in an increasingly conscious and sustainable market. Selecting suppliers with a strong focus on sustainability contributes to a greener digital future for both businesses and society.
2024: Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurderinger etter Åpenhetsloven for House of Control AS
Denne redegjørelsen beskriver hvordan House of Control AS metodisk jobber med å kartlegge og vurdere faktiske og potensielle negative konsekvenser for grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold som House of Control enten har (eller kunne ha) forårsaket eller bidratt til, og hvordan House of Control jobber med å iverksette egnede tiltak for å stanse, forebygge eller begrense slike negative konsekvenser. Formålet med denne redegjørelsen er å gi allmennheten innsikt i House of Control sine nøkkelfunn i aktsomhetsvurderingene vi har gjort, og hvilke tiltak som er iverksatt.
Relevant documents (including åpenhetsloven)
If you got questions regarding our compliance with The Transparency Act. Please contact
Several of the below documents are in Norwegian.
Åpenhetsloven - Transparency act
Slik jobber vi selv med åpenhetsloven i House of Control
Redegjørelse etter åpenhetsloven 2024
Likestillingsredegjørelse 2023
Menneskerettighetserklæring 2022